Wed, 15 June 2016, 11:47 am: In a drizzle I snap this shot of the AirBerlin prop plane we’re about to board on the Dusseldorf airport’s tarmac. The propellers have a buzz like Kiefer Sutherland at a New Year’s Eve…
Wed, 15 June 2016, 7:20 am: That’s a screenshot of the seatback in front of me as we begin our final approach to Dusseldorf. It looks like a longer flight than it feels when I see it on a live…
high altitude pasta: om nom nom!
Tues, 14 June 2016, 6:53 pm: I think the other option was chicken (in the air as on the ground, the other option is always chicken), but here’s what we chose for dinner en route to the eastern seaboard, almost…